Across the Wire Vol. 4

Grief Therapy

By Carla Sarett

Carla Sarett writes poetry, fiction and, occasionally, essays; and has been nominated for the Pushcart, Best Microfictions, Best American Essays, and Best of Net.  She has published one full-length collection,She Has Visions (Main Street Rag) and two chapbooks, including My Family Was Like a Russian Novel (Plan B) Carla has a PhD from University of Pennsylvania and is based in San Francisco. x/twitter: @cjsarett

Across the Wire Vol. 4

Two Poems

By Jeffrey Hermann

You Couldn’t Pay Me

They say to be good at one thing but I can’t decide. I make some phone calls and I send some texts but it’s Friday. People are heading out to Long Island. “Don’t fuck it up” is the best job advice I ever got. The world only needs so many healers. Someone has to drive the truck. Someone has to think about scrap metal. I’m thinking about scrap metal when I discover a thirteenth month. It’s sunny but breezy and it loves people, unlike the others. Offers worth millions come pouring in. Instead I name it after my dog and give it away, no charge. According to the calendar it’s still July. In the Atlantic, sharks are doing what they do. Only the beach people are worried. If there’s blood in the water, they can’t smell a thing. Seen from below, their legs look like flippers. 

Hold On, Is this Thing in Reverse? 

We saw a shadow on an x-ray in the shape of New Jersey. It was nothing, some normal muck inside the body. The doctor rubbed his eyes and left the room. When he got home to his place in Secaucus his kids were watching pilot episodes of shows that never made it. The nurse stayed with us and spoke with her hands; two birds finishing each other’s sentences. I saw them later in the next room delivering difficult news, then they went home to the Palisades. Sometimes I look at the sky and forget which season comes next. Will tomorrow be a little colder or a little warmer? Sometimes I don’t fully trust my car’s instrument panel. People who aren’t afraid of being alone probably get too many phone calls. I silence mine and sometimes miss my wife asking for help. My two greatest fears are letting go of her hand in the hospital hallway and rolling backward over an embankment.

Jeffrey Hermann‘s work has appeared in Okay Donkey, Electric Lit, Heavy Feather, Trampset, and other publications. His first full-length collection of prose poetry and flash fiction will be published by ELJ Editions in 2026. Though less publicized, he finds his work as a father and husband to be rewarding beyond measure.

Across the Wire Vol. 4

How to Forget

By MD Wheatley

“Hullo, good afternoon potential future friends, you can call me MD, as in medical doctor, or Mountain Dew. Funny, heh? I think so too. I grew up on Mountain Dew. Anywhoozle, thanks for joining me here today in Conference Room B. You could have easily gone to A but instead you chose B and I love that because I would’ve done the same. I’ll BE your friend. OK, I’ll chill. As I’m sure most of you can tell, this is my first time here and I’m happy to be here. The pamphlets instructed us to do all sorts of things, like share interests, personal qualities (good and bad), show-and-tell-type objects, to which I defer all. Truth is, my interests are likely going to bore most of you, and tomorrow I may wake up interested in the synchronicity of fishing and Battle Royales, if I even wake up tomorrow. Nice, OK, some of you are walking out. Just so you know, the dude in Conference Room A eats raw eggs and doesn’t believe in sunscreen. Have fun losing your new friend to skin cancer at 35! Shit, where was I? Sorry, I chew my nails when I lose my train of thought. Choo choo! Uh, I like Morrissey. I like cassette tapes. I like live music. Have you ever surrendered your body to live music? No? Me neither!!! I like skating. I like reading. I like reading books. Short books. Sorry, talking to myself out loud here. Um, I like esoteric shit. I learned that word like a year ago. Pretty dope word. If you know, you know. I like to think of myself as Dave Masters from the beginning of Stoner by John Williams. You know, before he died in the war. Or the protagonist in Good Old Neon. Neal’s ghost. Good old Neal. And whether you know either of those references or not is besides the point. The point is, I said it. I confessed it. I confessed to a self-diagnosis. And given the time and space, I could diagnose you. Hell, I could diagnose all of us, but what do I know? What do you know? You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. We think we know each other, but who are we fooling? No one. We are the fools. I planned to stick to the script but my note cards got all jumbled in my pocket. Out of order. So, instead, I’ll share with you a poem I wrote because that’s all I know to do. To share a feeling in hopes someone will nod their head in agreement. Sometimes the moon looks like a fingernail. Nice, I see you nodding over there. This one’s for you, buddy. It’s called I Need More Friends To Love Unconditionally, I’m a Really Good Friend, I Promise, Will You Be My Friend? You’re not as tough as you think you are … a blender can still nub all 4 of your fingers quicker than you can say W-T-F … what’d you think was gonna happen? … that your skin was too thick? … your bones made of steel? … it is true though … I kept one of your fingers as a souvenir … right after I asked you to save all of em … which was right after I asked, why’d you do that? … this isn’t high school anymore … you can’t just run away … or not show up … everyone that knows you now … is always gonna know you. Ah frick, sorry. I cry easily. Give me a second. I’m not smelling my armpit, promise. Where was I? Oh yeah, the poem. Everyone that knows you now … is always gonna know you … is always gonna remember that you stuck your hand in a fucking blender … a goddamn blender, Jesus … the sad thing … or funny … or maybe it’s a good thing … is that I’ll always love you … and you know that … I think that’s why you do such stupid shit … because you know I’ll always love you no matter what … and the sad reality is … if you live a life of self-destruction that ends with an entire hand of nubs … I’ll never question you or wonder why you did that to yourself … instead I’ll ask myself … how could I have loved you better? … how could I have saved you? … because here’s the hard truth, OK? … sometimes you wake up before dreams get to the good part … and sometimes you fall asleep before life gets to the good part … Wow, thank you, thank you. I’ll wait a second. Thanks for the love. This is the part where I wrap things up. So, if you’re interested in getting to know me better, I’ll have a newsletter sign up sheet at my booth. It’s back and to the left. I know it’s rude to point, but which way to the little poet’s room? I really, really have to pee. Before I began I thought it was just nervousness but I legit have to piss like a racehorse. Please excuse me. Thanks for your time. OK sweet, bye. Or see you—ooh here comes the pee. Imagine saying bye for eternity..”

MD Wheatley’s a husband, father, and writer living in Charleston, SC. Read more here—

Across the Wire Vol. 4

Three Poems

by Graeme Bezanson

Graeme Bezanson is a writer living in southwestern France. His work has appeared in or is forthcoming from BOMB, X-R-A-Y, GlitterMOB, Sixth Finch, HAD, and elsewhere. You can find him online at

Across the Wire Vol. 4

My Heart Belongs in an Empty Big Mac Container Buried Beneath the Ocean Floor

By Homeless

After Laura, the days were long and filled with even more sad-looking blue whales than usual. The rooms of Daniel’s house became packed like subway cars during rush hour, often leaving him warm, uncomfortable and unable to move, not to mention so crowded with sadness he could barely even lift his hand up high enough to scratch his nose. And every time Daniel looked out a window, regardless of the time of day, the sky was always wet-looking and gray and, or so Daniel thought at least, seemed gradually approaching, like it was calculatedly moving in on him—an insanely focused assassin coming to smother him with its grayness until he suffocated. And rather than do anything about all this (What is there to do? was the question Daniel’s brain kept rhetorically asking), Daniel just accepted his current situation. He knew he could only wait it out and hope for the assassin-sky to either change its mind or grow lazy and apathetic over killing him because, seeing him helplessly pinned down by sad-looking blue whales, there would be no sport or challenge in removing the speck that was Daniel from this world, and so, instead, it would just leave him be. Then Daniel, with nothing else to do, would do all he could do—wait for some of the sad-looking blue whales to eventually wander out of his house on their own, as if bored or suddenly remembering they wanted to watch Titanic again.

And so the days passed like gravestones made of mud slowly toppling into each other, forcing Daniel to eventually call out of work one morning about three and a half months after he and Laura had broken up. Even though they were no longer together, Daniel could still hear Laura getting mad at him. “You really think you can afford to call out of work? What? You want to be homeless someday?” Which always left Daniel feeling guilty (although over what exactly he didn’t know), as well as incapable of taking care of himself, of being an adult and forcing himself to do things he didn’t want to do.

Daniel did what he always did whenever he had a day off—he drove to his Graceland, his fast-food office, his Golden Arched home away from home.

Daniel drove to McDonald’s.

Or his McDonald’s, as he often referred to it.

Christian rock was playing from the speakers hidden in the ceiling when Daniel walked inside (for whatever reason this was the radio station management had decided to tune into for the past month). The nice Spanish lady working the register who knew Daniel by name already had his order punched in before he reached the counter. Daniel smiled, said thank you, paid for his iced coffee with exact change, feeling embarrassed as he did so, feeling poor as he did so—even though Daniel was poor, more so just feeling ashamed of it, really—and then grabbed his usual seat in the far back corner of the restaurant as far away from the gossipy elder patrons who frequented the restaurant as well.

Daniel took his notebook out of his messenger bag and opened to a blank page. Daniel was a writer who did the vast majority of his writing in McDonald’s because McDonald’s was the one place in the entire world where sad-looking blue whales didn’t stalk him. Any McDonald’s. The location never mattered. For whatever reason, the sad-looking blue whales refused to follow him inside. Instead, they’d stand by the front door and patiently wait for Daniel to return. And when it was time for Daniel to leave, the sad-looking blue whales picked up where they left off. They’d trail Daniel back to his car, ride shotgun, or sometimes, and which Daniel found even more humiliating and degrading, the sad-looking blue whales would sit in the back and Daniel would chauffeur them around. They controlled Daniel, the sad-looking blue whales, and as much as it killed him to admit it, although over the years he had gotten used to doing so (not that that made it sting any less), the sad-looking blue whales dictated almost everything he did.

Sometimes it was simply their laid back yet imposing presence that made Daniel do certain things, or feel certain things, or think certain things. Other times just a meager look from their lifeless black eyes, eyes like pieces of coal dropped in a murky street puddle. But most of the time, and which Daniel found to be the absolute worst, the sad-looking blue whales controlled him by crying.

“Oooooh, oooh, ooh!”

Although Daniel had heard hundreds of thousands of sad-looking blue whale cries throughout his life, it was something he’d never gotten used to, and now, at this point—thirty-one-years-old and not getting any younger—he knew he never would. Daniel didn’t understand their crying, especially considering there never seemed to be any rhyme or reason to it. At least not that Daniel was ever able to figure out.

A lot of the time the crying felt random, but also directed at other sad-looking blue whales even if there weren’t any present. And during these frequent impromptu studio sessions of their own sad, sappy music, mainly consisting of just one sad-looking blue whale but it also not being impossible during the really bad days for there to be almost an entire choir of them, it became impossible for Daniel to feel content in his own skin. Something about their cries brought to the surface the quiet, subterranean knowledge of how innately alone Daniel was, of how alone all humans were, of the underlying facts that most people who weren’t stalked by sad-looking blue whales were usually able to forget about or just completely ignore—that each of us comes into this world alone and that each of us leaves it alone, that each of us is trapped inside one human body with one conscious mind that no other person will ever be able to physically step inside of and, therefore, fully understand. And that, Daniel understood, was true loneliness—your weak and lame human brain being unable to perfectly articulate what it thinks, your mind being unable to form something vague and sharp inside of you into words for the world to comprehend. But the sad-looking blue whales had found words for it. Or maybe not words, but sounds. Sounds that said more about sadness and loneliness than any human language ever would.

“Oooooh, ooooh, ooh!”

Daniel had no idea what the sad-looking blue whales were saying exactly when they cried to each other, but his mind always translated it into “I’m alone! I’m alone! I’m alone!” And when it was late at night and Daniel was lying in bed with his cats and listening to the sad-looking blue whales cry outside his window like lonely wolves howling at a moon that had forgotten all about them, Daniel would always call back to them in his head, softly, mournfully, Me too Me too Me too

Daniel took his pen out of his pocket, his favorite pen—a Simpsons pen Laura had bought him, momentarily making him ache for her like his heart had blue balls. He stared down at the blank pages of his notebook, at the cruel, goring whiteness of them, but nothing remotely creative came to mind. Ever since Laura left, Daniel’s brain had become immobile, like a dead car with its license plates ripped off, left on the street for the city to tow. He couldn’t write, he couldn’t draw, and these two things he once looked forward to doing now just seemed to scare and intimidate him because, being unable to do both, these activities only made him feel worse about himself, which, therefore, only summoned even more sad-looking blue whales.
Daniel gave up on the idea of writing for the moment, took his headphones out of his messenger bag and plugged them into his iPhone. Daniel played the song “Careless Soul” by Daniel Johnston and put it on repeat. It was a live track and sounded like it was recorded in a coffee shop or bookstore. A girl could be heard coughing at one point and Daniel Johnston broke into tears twice during the track. There were no instruments. Just Daniel Johnston singing about being called to meet your God.

Daniel Johnston is Christian rock Daniel’s brain said.

Daniel non-Johnson laughed at himself. He felt sick and hated himself. He still loved Daniel Johnston, though. Daniel Johnston was certifiable but brilliant. Daniel Johnston loved Mountain Dew and McDonald’s. Daniel Johnston even worked in a McDonald’s. Daniel non-Johnston never worked in a McDonald’s. He’d worked at a golf course, the video department of his college, a Michael’s Arts & Crafts, a Home Depot, two doggie daycares and three animal hospitals. Now, Daniel non-Johnston worked in the stock room of a PR agency that represented beauty products. The stock room was warm, cramped, had no windows and was filled with sad-looking blue whales that were extra sad-looking and invasive. But since only Daniel could see the sad-looking blue whales, it was as if they didn’t exist to the rest of the world. So, bitterly, as well as half-heartedly, Daniel was forced to go through day after day as if nothing were wrong, as if he were completely and totally healthy, all the while still being foolishly expected to travel the same speed as everyone else in the normal world even though he was carrying an extra couple hundred tons of sad-looking blue whale dead weight.

This is bullshit… Daniel’s mind would often complain to itself throughout the course of his day at his dead end job, and then allow itself to feel momentarily good, justified in its own righteousness, knowing that, yes, this indeed was bullshit, a mass amount of it, ripe, stinking and unfair, but then the same recollection would always inevitably creep back in shortly thereafter. That life wasn’t supposed to be fair, that everyone had their own metaphorical crosses to bear, and that this one, enormous and heavier than most with a sad-looking blue whale nailed to it who cried “Oooh, ooh, oooh!” was unwaveringly his. And there was no trading it for another. There was no putting this cross down and resting, and Daniel’s mind, happy just seconds ago in the brief victory of knowing that it was right, that this curse of his was, again, in fact, bullshit, Daniel’s mind would then return to its usual damp and sullen state. He would drag himself through the day as best he could, often too frustrated and tired to care how well he was doing, just wanting nothing more than to make it to the finish line where, at the very end of the day, a box of wine was chilling in the fridge at home, waiting for him. 

Knock, knock, knock…

Daniel took his headphones off and looked behind him. Uncharacteristically, a sad-looking blue whale was at the back door of McDonald’s, pointing down at the handle as if asking Daniel to open it even though the door wasn’t locked.

Daniel hesitated. Not because he was actually contemplating letting the sad-looking blue whale inside, but rather because he had never seen their kind exhibit this unusually nosy behavior outside of a McDonald’s before.

Daniel turned away. He picked up his Simpsons pen and stared down at his notebook, ready to work.

The sad-looking blue whale could go fuck itself.

Homeless often wonders whatever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, evening tv? He’s the author of four books, and his second novel, “My Heart Belongs in an Empty Big Mac Container Buried Beneath the Ocean Floor,” comes out November 19th, 2024, from Clash Books.

Across the Wire Vol. 4

Swiss Pass

By Wallace Barker

I. Day Before Independence Day

Shuddered on the train from
Luzern to Brig sending
raw emails and biting
at the turgid air

green valleys and farm houses to
crooked mountains humped over
gray melt streams swelling
their banks thru Zermatt.

Cattle cars finally open
blinking in the cool air
my mind steaming my brow
the Matterhorn like a spike driven

into the neck of the sky.
We ate beef and pork at Walliserstube
then watched “Talented Mr. Ripley”
in our apartment.

II. Extraordinary Complication

A train station in Visp awaiting
the R90 to Genéve.

Green alps enclose the scene
assorted Swiss chocolates are dispersed.

I wore my blue socks today
touch of idiot whimsy.

We are here for such a short time!
Enraged then sad then sober then happy.

I spin the wheel.
I turn like a gear.

III. Wasserfall

At the waterfall within the cliff face
tourists in bright technical jackets 
slip the crevice like little sailboats
dropping over the horizon.

Power of the crashing churn seemed
so wasteful nature is so profligate
felt scared I might jump into it.
We took the 141 tram to the

Coop Grocery I bought two
different kinds of Swiss cookies
felt guilty about happiness.
Brown slugs along the trail

back to our farmhouse
we were careful not to step on them.
We talked about visiting Gimmelwald
tomorrow if the weather cleared.

The views are supposed to be amazing.
I sat on the couch in our wooden
farmhouse and smelled dinner cooking.
I drank an alkoholfreier beer.

IV. Bildungsroman

Crowded train through countryside
luggage in my lap and pressed tight
against foreign strangers
pebble shore to ice blue lake

flashing past the windows
difference between romance and
realism is that romantics
never mention the bugs.

Stultifying crush of mass transit
much of travel consists of these
trains and transfers and luggage.
My son plays videogames on his phone.

He wears headphones and listens
to “rage rap” when I speak
to him he cannot hear and when
I touch his shoulder he shrugs me away.

V. Falling Faintly Through the Universe

Standing in the rain at Montreux
we paid CHF 80 to upgrade
our seats on the GoldenPass Express.

We saw a fox dart in the rain
birds nesting in the train car ventilation
I drank a Rugenbräu beer (alcohol free).

Only a few hours to Interlaken
Miles and Esmé on their phones
Alicia with her embroidery.

No one looks up
next stop, Schönried
then on to Zweisimmen.

Wallace Barker lives in Austin, Texas. His most recent book “Collected Poems 2009-2022” is available from Maximus Books. His debut poetry collection “La Serenissima” is available from Gob Pile Press. More of his work can be found at

Across the Wire Vol. 4

Back in High School 

By Wilson Koewing

Back in high school it was me and Lonnie ran together. We worked at the movie theater up in Charlotte. If we weren’t working, we were at a house party somewhere. I remember one Friday, Lonnie said a girl he met in study hall wanted to join us. Lonnie wasn’t much of a lady’s man so that was unusual. 

When we picked her up it made sense. Her name was Wren. She dressed old fashioned. Like going to church. I wasn’t sure if Wren was new to town or if we’d just never noticed her. She was a grade behind. She might have dressed funny and been a year younger, but she had something about her sure made it seem like she was a lot older than she was younger. We passed a bottle of vodka around the car. She took two swigs and started screaming out the sunroof.
We lost her as soon as we got to the party. She was full out. By the time she resurfaced whispers were she’d gone behind closed doors with four different guys. It hardly mattered to me, though Lonnie looked deflated. 

We dropped her off at home around sunrise. Entire ride I was worried her dad would be outside with a shotgun. She played possum in the backseat, but once the car stopped, she sprang to life.

“I’m so sorry, daddy,” she said. “Don’t be mad. I fell asleep at Susie’s house. No, I wasn’t drinking. I hate drinking.” 

She winked and skipped away as we tore out of there. 

Wren never returned to our high school. Word was her parents put her in a Catholic school up in Belmont. Rumors circulated about the goings on at the party. For about a week it was all anybody talked about. I guess there’s no denying how it looked. No denying how easy it was for us to act none the wiser. 

I graduated that same year and we all lost touch, me and Lonnie and all the people at all the parties around where we grew up. A whole town of folks. Just seeped away. 

A decade went by then one day I got a Facebook request from Wren. It was Christmas, and I was headed home. It had been years since I set foot in the Carolinas. After high school I visited New Orleans and liked it so much I moved. Got work as a doorman on Bourbon and been there ever since. Rent a little studio a block over on Dauphine. Kind of an insular life, but there’s a never-ending magic to the Quarter. Lonely sometimes, though, even surrounded by so many people. 

After I accepted the Facebook request, Wren invited me to a Christmas party at her house. Turns out she didn’t live far from my parents. 

I arrived at a nice house in a cookie cutter neighborhood. Minivans outside. Inside it was parents and kids. I spotted Wren. She motioned me over and introduced me to her husband. He was a radiant guy, strong, healthy and utterly happy. They pointed at their three kids. Wren showed early glow of a fourth. 

Her husband went off to play host and Wren made us cocktails. I considered asking what happened back in high school, but she only seemed interested in talking about me. She seemed impressed by my living in New Orleans. Curious about how different our lives were. It occurred to me it was the longest I’d talked about myself in years. 

After that, I hung around awhile, skirting the edges and drinking. The sun set and they lit a firepit and before long there was a sway about everything. And there was good music. Then at some point, I was falling over, almost into the firepit, and the children’s horrified faces in the glow from the flames. 

I came to in the car with Wren’s husband. He was pulling into my parent’s driveway.

I took a day to recover sitting on the screen porch with my dad. In his retirement he drank and smoked and watched YouTube on a tablet out there. How-to videos. It dawned on me why he liked them. When I was a kid, he did all the handiwork around the house to save a buck. I’ll forever remember him in the garage cursing while changing the oil in our cars. Crazy that now all he’d have to do is search a YouTube video. The time he would have saved. 

I left him to go inside for a beer then wandered through the house. Not much had changed. It was like a museum. Only thing that had changed was the technology. There was a table with family photos. I stared at a picture from my high school graduation. I could hardly recognize myself. 

The next day I got a message from Lonnie. Hadn’t heard from him in almost as long as Wren. It was like the internet was telling people I was in town. 

I drove over to Lonnie’s. He lived in a trailer out in the country. He was sitting under an oak tree. We shook hands. He was drinking cheap beer and reached in a cooler and offered me one. I cracked it open. Lonnie’d been working at Freightliner for a decade. Same repetitive job every day. But he was a decade closer to retirement. He said he lived in the trailer because it was cheap and what did he care anyway. He didn’t have no wife. 

I stayed awhile drinking and catching up. Long enough for it to get dark and cold out. It was strange seeing him. I could see the Lonnie I knew when we were younger in his face, but there didn’t seem to be any youth left in him. Eventually I sort of stopped paying attention to what he was saying. Every other sentence started with, remember back in high school. 

Wilson Koewing is a writer from South Carolina. His books JADED and QUASI are available from Main Street Rag/Mint Hill Books and Anxiety Press, respectively. His debut poetry collection DETRITUS HOMME is forthcoming from Nut Hole Publishing. His latest short story collection ROLLING ON THE BOTTOM is forthcoming from Cowboy Jamboree Press.

Issue 3 Issue 3 Poetry


By Julián Martinez

Julián Martinez (he/him) is the son of Mexican and Cuban immigrants and is from Waukegan, IL. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in HAD, Hooligan Mag, Little Engines, The Sonora Review and elsewhere. His debut chapbook, This Place Is Covered Head to Toe in Shit (Ghost City Press, 2024) is available now. Find him online @martinezfjulian or, or IRL in Chicago.

Issue 3 Issue 3 Poetry


By Adrian Sobol

Adrian Sobol is a Polish immigrant / musician / poet. He is the author of the poetry collections The Life of the Party is Harder to Find Until You’re the Last One Around and HAIR SHIRT (forthcoming April 2025 from Malarkey Books). He lives in Chicago and is the editor-in-chief of KICKING YOUR ASS.

Issue 3 Issue 3 Poetry


By Wren Donovan

Wren Donovan (she/her) lives in Tennessee. She studied at Millsaps College, UNC-Chapel Hill, and University of Southern Mississippi. When not writing, Wren reads history books and Tarot cards and lurks on twitter @WrenDonovan. Her poetry can be found in Orca, Poetry South, Cumberland River Review, Yellow Arrow, Harpy Hybrid Review, and elsewhere including