Across The Wire Vol. 3

2 Micros

By Cletus Crow


I forge a sword that cuts through passive aggressive bullshit. It’s the only way I can love you. You forge a sword that cuts through bipolar mania. It’s the only way I can listen. When our blades clash, we’re happy. We fight to the death. 

T.H. White’s The Once and Future King

Lancelot is one ugly cuss. He fucks Guenever, King Arthur’s queen. Arthur is one spineless cuck. Arthur and Lancelot are friends. If I’m Lancelot, I don’t know it. If I’m Guenever, I regret it. I’m Arthur sitting on the edge of our bed. Mascara runs down your face like lava. There is no joust.

Cletus Crow’s poetry collection, Phallic Symbols, is available from Pig Roast Publishing.

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