By Dustin Strickler

I am a mobility practitioner whose passion is to improve the wellbeing of others. I spent the past 15 years researching movement by studying Applied Functional Science with the Gray Institute. The inspiration for my artwork comes from my interest in the human condition, observing and blending the worlds of music, movies, sports, and notable personalities around Lititz, PA.
My work is a blend of pen and ink, markers, colored pencil, and acrylic paint. There are underlying meanings deep within each piece of my artwork that tell a story. In some cases, my artwork is a tribute to those people, places, and poodles that I love. At other times, it’s my reflection on the injustices that I wake up every day to do battle against.
The Justice League is based on the 1970s Super Friends animated TV series that I watched as a child. Depicted is a Justice League comic book of friends and acquaintances who I feel live up to the opening theme of this program “Their mission is to fight injustice, to right that which is wrong, and to serve all mankind.”
Each person represented here depicts the concept of “Super Friends” because each in his own way contributes to the well-being of others within the community that I grew up in.
Stay tuned to learn who and why my Justice League kicks so much ass.
Dustin Strickler, Artist
2022 Original 10×16
Pen and Ink, Copic Marker, Acrylic, and Colored Pencil
Carson Illustration Board